Dharma Heart Sangha with Chris Fortin, One of many opportunities to practice together

Jan 19, 2025 - Dec 14, 2025

The Sangha meets at Open Sky once a month on Sundays:

Jan 19, Feb 16, and on throughout the year…

To Find out more about this group, go to http://dharmaheartzen.com/

How do we live with clarity and compassion in this beautiful and suffering world?

Zen is the everyday practice of wholehearted living.

Turning and being turned in our living, awakening the heart of
practice, meeting ourselves and all beings with compassion
and kindness, we become true human beings.

We “shine on one corner of the world.” (Shunryu Suzuki Roshi,
from the Lotus Sutra)

To register and for more information contact  chrisfortin@comcast.net.

If you are a member of Dharma Heart Zen, register for this program with

Gretchen gretchen@sonic.net


Chris Fortin
Hoka Soko

Zen Teacher

Sitting in the center of our lives, giving ourselves to body and breath, letting go beyond knowledge or knowing, we find a quiet confidence to not turn away from the one heart of the world. There is freedom and love here—for ourselves and all beings.

My life and practice is dedicated to this wholehearted way of living. It is impossible to do this alone. Warm heart to warm heart we awaken along with everything.

Chris’s bio