Welcoming Beloved Teacher Richard John – What is Our Path?
9 AM- 5 PM
Samsara is an Ocean of Narratives: What is our Path?
What strange times these are.
The setting sun concept of “truth” has devolved into “whatever you want to believe.”
But the radiance of the Buddha’s truth — the Dharma — is also flourishing.
The deep longing to understand reality has led each of us to the Buddhist path, and a classic teaching on the unfolding of this path is the Four Dharmas of Gampopa. Gampopa’s incomparable pith instruction describes the personal experience of discovering truth. It has the simplicity of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, while being utterly accessible to any practitioner.
This program is open to all and we hope that you can join us!
Acharya Richard John was an early student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Richard was appointed acharya by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. For many years he has taught Shambhala Buddhist programs throughout North America. He completed the first three-year group retreat at Gampo Abbey, and leads annual 10-Day Mahamudra Retreats at SMC, Dorje Denma Ling, Karme Chöling, and Casa Werma. Richard and his wife Liz live in Halifax, Canada.
Heart Gifts
It is customary to offer a monetary Heart Gift to the teacher. Acharyas receive no salary or benefits, and depend upon this income in order to teach for a living. This is completely voluntary according to your inspiration. There is no suggested amount–any amount is appreciated.
Generosity Policy
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For those who can pay the patron rate, funds will go towards ensuring everyone has access to the weekend. For more information please see our generosity policy.